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AIP Foundation was established in 1999, first in Vietnam, to implement life-saving, road crash prevention interventions and combat the growing crisis occurring across low and middle-income countries. Our offices and operations expand across Cambodia, China, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines, and previously had programs in Africa and Latin America.


Today, AIP Foundation has UN consultative status, the highest status granted by the United Nations to NGOs, and is a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) providing input to reports by the UN Secretary-General to the UN General Assembly.

Over the past twenty years, AIP Foundation has adapted to rapid development and new challenges across the countries in which we operate. Besides geographic growth, we have extensive experience in developing road crash prevention education around speeding, pedestrian safety, distracted driving, and mobile phone usage, child car seats, truck and collective transport driving, and motorcycle driving skills. Additionally, we develop and enforce traffic standards, and contribute to policy change. 


In countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand, our work has influenced key legislative advocacy achievements, such as the passing of mandatory helmet laws and changes in regards to school zone speed limits. In 2006, when AIP Foundation first expanded to Cambodia and Thailand, we built a network of stakeholders and government partners who would support our life-saving work for years to come.

One of the key people who guided those successful partnerships was Ratana Winther, a member
of AIP Foundation’s Board of Directors. With Ratana’s expertise, we were appointed as a member of Thailand’s National Road Safety Directing Center sub-committee to advise on government road safety policies in 2012.

After supporting AIP Foundation’s work in Thailand and also in Bangladesh, she became a member of the AIP Foundation’s Global Board of Advisors, with a vision to expand AIP Foundation more widely. In 2019, Ratana established AIP Foundation Denmark to culminate this vision, building a bridge between Asia and Europe, with a mission to contribute to the prevention of deaths and injuries from road crashes, primarily in developing countries, and to promote road safety knowledge and skills and to contribute to UN Sustainable Development

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